
About Christianity

Is Jesus: a God, a Unique son of God,
or a Messenger of God?!?
This link could help you understand better:
If Jesus was GOD

Le Christianisme

Jésus est-il un Dieu, un Fils Unique de Dieu,
ou un Messager de Dieu?!?
Ce lien pourrait vous aider a mieux comprendre:
Jesus est-il vraiment Dieu?

En savoir plus

About Islam

The Western Medias have been
missleading people about Islam.
If you are a Truth Seeker,
think about this: What a non-muslims
or an ignorant muslim can teach about Islam?
Don't be like a Judge who would rule
withought hearing both sides of the story

The best way is to bring your questions
to a local mosque. For now, here is an
Introduction to Islam

If you have any question, E-mail Me
Women's RIGHTS in the Coran Versus the Bible

Ahmad Deedat Audios

Why You Should Not Eat PORC
According to The Bible and The Science