What did He say about Himself?

When you carefully read the Bible, you will never find a place that Jesus claims clearly: 'I am God Almighty'. To the contrary, he always mentioned that there is a God for him and for all (Read...)

Apparently, these two Titles (The 'God' Title and The 'Son' Title) have been misunderstood and misused. Let's read more in the Bible [God] <---> [Son ]

Were Jesus' Miracles Uniques?

Jesus performed miracles by the power of Almighty God. You will notice that most of time, he had to pray The Almighty, prior to any activity. Other prophets and messengers of The Almighty have performed miracles. It was a proof that their messages were from The All Powerfull, God Almighty. There is more details in the Bible.

I am aware that there are some other verses being interpreted in opposition of those given here. One who is really looking for the truth should try to be neutral and try to see the logic and reason between what Jesus said himself, and what people said about Him.I believe that The Creator has given to anyone of us the capacity of choosing between Good and Evil

What Quran says about Jesus

Comparing what we hear and learn about Jesus, and what we read ourselves in the Bible with a clean and paused mind, we have to admint there is a lot of confusion. The Holy Quran has given some clarifications on the subject. Here are some. (Read)

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